
Cali feat. Liliana Almeida - Moulin Rouge

CALI (Flow 212) presents "MOULIN ROUGE" - music video of his first single as a solo artist, featuring LILIANA ALMEIDA and STAPE.CAST | Cristiana Matos, Samanta Castilho, Catarina Urbani, Gabriela Relvas, Lancelot, Wilson Alves, Duarte Moura, Celso Barros, Deejay Stikup, Vitor Ennes, João de Carvalho, Hugo Rebelo, Marino Fernandes, Pedro Roda, Leandro Caetano, Carlos Vieira, Alexandre Santaella, Abouba K., Paulo Rodrigues, Sérgio Salvadinha, Ossane Idrisse, Faraz Idrisse, Daniela Pimenta, Marta Gomes, Janeth Tavares, Dyane Araújo, Vanessa Santana, Luís Silva, Inês Almeida, Sandra Gomes, Tânia Anastácio, Sandra Sardinha, Tânia Falcão, Ana Oliveira, Ana Alberto, Cláudia Nunes, Marisa Romão.HAIR&MAKE UP | Joana Souchet© GOLPE DE VISTA, Lda | 2010
Cali, Flow 212, Moulin Rouge Video, Moulin Rouge, Videoclip, Liliana Almeida, Stape, official music video, Golpe de Vista, Caligula, Cabaret Maxime, Catarina Urbani, Gabriela Relvas, ritmo do meu flow, Lancelot, Kuduro, Tuga, Sempre a Subir, Teledisco, Music Promo, Burlesque, Nightlife, Club, Ya Tu Sabe, YTS, Wilson, Cristiana Matos, FHM, HD, official
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